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Just place order


Just Place Order

Let us tell you why do your small business needs to be online. Giving your business an online presence doesn't mean that you have a website with your business information, address, contact details. It also doesn't mean that you have to register with a famous classifieds website with your business information to let the inquirers know about your business. It really actually means that your shop is open 24X7 online for customers to place orders with you. Assume you are owning a B2B business and wanted to sell your products online with your buyers, business partners. You need to own an inventory, Product Pricing, Billing, Delivery, Order Management, etc..

We have put together the best of our experience

Our Features

Own Inventory

Our Platform gives you a sophisticated inventory management module

Publish Rates

Publish your rates for your products anytime. You can customise the rates per buyer. That's incredible

Manage Customers

You can activate, edit and disable any of your buyer at any time. We have track record of all your customers interaction with our platform, purchase reports, payments etc

Deliver Orders

Our platform generates you delivery chalan to help your customers while receive their ordered goods. This generates invoice once the order is delivered

Receive Payments

Manage your customer payments like payment due, critical payments. You can request your customers for payments for the orders delivered. You can get a list of all pending payments

Track Reports

Our reports are full-blown with all the analytics of the customer data. The reports are incredible to look at your order, sales, revenue level

Notifications & Alerts

Email and SMS notifications are sent to sellers and buyers to inform about the transactional events. we also have customised EOD report sent to your email

Who believed in us

The gateway to your success is just clicks away.  Think not.  React.

Drop us a mail at or ring us on +91-8220099899 and we promise to take care.